Just a positive thought for the day-

Published on 12 March 2024 at 18:18

All the days in between are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives, each one contributing its own unique hue and texture. Embracing every moment, whether bathed in sunlight or shrouded in shadows, is the essence of living fully. It’s in the imperfections, the struggles, and the triumphs of each day that we find our true strength and resilience. Remember, every dawn brings with it the promise of new beginnings, and every dusk offers the chance for reflection and growth. So, let us march forward with unwavering determination, knowing that every step we take is a testament to our courage and our capacity to thrive amidst the challenges and flow of life’s grand tapestry.

what are the 5 things today that have Brought you comfort,happiness,joy or contentment? (This can be my feeling of my warm pjs,the comfort form my duvet,the sunlight beaming onto my face,etc)

I find wearing pyjamas make me feel "comfort", and being in my home is my "Security". My home is my haven. I find laying down so comforting the balance of gravity and feeling supported by the mattress feels "supportive". If I'm having a bad day I'll be in my pjs, at home all day,laying down and watching and scrolling social media. This is my "plan". The steps that I take to make myself feel better about a difficult moment in my life. 

what are the steps you take when your having a bad moment, challenging times that helps you feel more comfortable, relaxed and secure? 

write 5 things you'd like to change in your life which you can leave behind after today?

write 5 things your commited to do, small postive steps for yourself or to others?

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